Kenya AA Top Barichu Karatina

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Kenya AA Top Barichu Karatina


Bag size: 16oz (1 full pound) Specialty Coffee 100% Arabica Beans

The aroma of this specialty coffee fills the air with milk chocolate, lemon and floral notes, while you savor the cup flavors of chocolate, coffee, nutmeg, and black tea with every sip. These beans are grown on small farms in micro-lots. Once these beans are gone, it’s very difficult to get more. We cherish the beans we currently have because at this point in harvest, we can no longer get them.

Body: Medium Plus
Acidity: Similar to Plum. Grapefruit, or Red Wine

(Choosing the "Grind it" option may delay shipping 24 - 48 hours from roast date)

Whole Bean/Grind It:
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Karatina is a Kikuyu name for a "tree" that produces some fruits used to brew the famous Muratina beer, which was used by the Kikuyu to celebrate and perform rituals.  Within the vicinity of the factory, there is a town with the famous Karatina open air market and hotels that cater to visitors with a view of the snow-capped Mt. Kenya.

Fermentation is done with fresh river water from the Ragati river and then sundried on raised beds.